Phone status

I sent out mail to a bunch of folks today to let them know that our home phone is offline for the time being. If I forgot to mail you, well, our home phone is offline for the time being.

SunRocket, we hardly knew ye and now we'd like to give you a charlie horse. After pondering a handful of options, I am going with AT&Ts CallVantage phone service on the theory that AT&T probably won't go bankrupt before Vonage. I've also been authorized to get myself a mobile phone (the “family phone” becomes Annika's). For mobile service we both use Virgin Mobile's pay-per-minute plans because we really don't use the phones that much. This puts our monthly phone expenses for home service plus two mobile phones at $38.00—not too shabby.

If/when our usage pushes us to the $70/month mark, I would be very interested to revisit T-Mobile's Home Hot-Spot setup. Inside your house your phone works on VoIP; outside it works on T-Mobiles network. Cool, but basically double what we're paying in the meantime. Anyhow, I picked up my new cell phone on the way home. My gweepodex entry has the new digits and you can otherwise e-mail me for them.

