N. Harrison Ripps


Last weekend I had the privilege of DJing at the wedding of some friends. I've unofficially DJed a few parties, but never something as involved (and DJ-dependant) as a life-changing ceremony followed by several hours of dancing. Annika will tell you that I spent a lot of the preceeding week in a heightened state of, well, being nervous as hell.


Jane Immelheim leaned against the wall of the situation room, her face a picture of zen-like calm. Her hands were wrapped around a coffee mug, and the mug in turn was wrapped around a viscous, day-old sludge. She sipped absent mindedly as she watched the semi-organized chaos around her. After a few minutes more of the buzz of people and machinery, one man glanced up from his computer screen. “Got him. ST-7, near the midtown line.” Jane smiled.


When you publish something! And let me tell you, its a page-turner. Oh well; you gotta start somewhere :–)

#life #tech


Without going into too many details, I started Sunday with two computers and finished with none. Hardware problems were the order of the day, and so I am ditching my miserable SFF case (I'm looking at you, Soltek) and going with a comparitively gigantic microATX case and motherboard. With the investment of a mere $140, I'll be able to cram the best parts of the two dead machines into something that is quiet and, ideally functional.


After some consideration (and paranoia about the direction things seem to be going on the web), I decided to reign in control over my own ideas (unoriginal as they are). So thats why I'm blogging under my own steam now, despite the excellent tools afforded to me by the likes of LiveJournal, MySpace, Facebook, and Blogger. I'm also syndicating my blog via RSS so that folks with aggregators can read me without actually coming to my website.

#life #tech


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